Covert Investigations
[ Overview ]
Where the client has no Security or Asset Protection Team but the need to investigate a situation, we can help.
We'll take a brief of the situation and return an action plan of resources needed and expected route to resolve.
It can involve support from the Police Service where we can liaise with the Police Service, company directors or board members to get the best outcome for the business.
This may involve press and news management and Business Continuity Planning.
It would, in all likelihood, involve support from our network of associates of ex police and services individuals.
[ Case 1 ] Heathrow Inflight retail theft
In a recent operation, a catering firm had run down their Asset Protection Team by incorporating these duties to the Health and Safety staff. Over a year or two, all was fine but once the security weakness became known, the staff exploited the situation. After 12 months, the theft ramped up to an organised 'free for all' involving 60 + drivers and their supervisors.
The resulting covert operation with Police support took 3 months to prosecute, requiring not just technical covert surveillance but investigative interviewing. The operation involved the Police and in turn the CPS and then supporting evidence and statements.
A Business Continuity Plan supported the transition to reduce disruption to the client.
Once completed the company employed an Asset Protection Manager and team.
A series of training programs were developed and awareness courses made available to all staff to empower and awaken the remaining staff to be more vigilant / security aware about the business for the benefit of all.
[ Case 2 ] Gatwick duty free theft
This gang of catering operatives arranged the working shift around their desires to maximise their ability to raid the high value carts of perfume, alcohol & cigarettes to the value of £2.4 million.
Over a period 4 months we were able to attend site, deploy bespoke covert audio & video systems linked the www for live remote viewing, we also swapped out "banked" SSD's with good periods of recording to compile evidence and process intelligence to forward plan our next moves.
The operation was very complex and run close to compromise but experience was our guidance and success was achieved. See the external Police link and a small sample clip
See Video Sample 2 for more
We reserve the right to not engage in operations if we feel there is poor justification or out of legal boundaries for the region
[ Training ]
Customer acquired equipment.
Training can be tailored for product specific support to key staff on supplied equipment therefore enabling confidence and competence to operational level.
General electronic trade craft activities.
We can provide a trade craft training package to suit your operational requirements based on all of the activities on this website.
We reserve the right not to engage in operations if we feel there is poor justification or out of legal boundaries for the region.
Distribution of tobacco, alcohol, perfume & jewellery.
These two clips are samples of the stock skimming issue the client faced. Small quantities skimmed by many on a regular basis added up to a substantial quantity. The drivers cross traded their stolen items.
These videos are from the start of shift and end of shift - the driver was hiding 4 boxes of perfume.

Drug Dealer

Free drinks for mates

Bribery & Sexual influence

One extra load for the boys

New phone runner

Mis routing a laptop within Citylink

Chief's Grief sushi stolen

Gaming time on overtime

ASBO & Vandalism